Entry #7 Fresh

     Watching "Fresh," opened my eyes to how farming industries function and deal with animals. Seeing the different types of farming conditions was slightly uncomfortable, but my favorite was sustainable farming. This type of farming is most friendly to animals, economies, and ourselves. The movie mentions how meat could go bad if the animal is not taken care of properly, which also does damage to us and makes us sick. This film sheds light on the various problems that could lead to many economic and consumer disadvantages. It shows ways to better the situation, which is sustainable farming. Overall, it seems to be better and cheaper for farmers and buyers. This film does a great job of explaining the downfall if farmers don't change their ways and why it is ultimately better to go for sustainable farming instead of adding harmful antibiotics to the produce. While also demonstrating the actions they could take to improve the problem with food production and shift the perspective of farming to a healthier, safer, and sustainable. 


     A character in the film that had an impact on me was Joel Salatin, his charismatic personality and ability to captivate viewers' interest. Salatin set the tone in the beginning with him caring for his pigs and demonstrates his success with sustainable farming. His goal, I believe, was to bring more attention to the positive effects of sustainable farming with his own experiences with working on a farm. I would say if I was a farmer he convinced me to want to switch to sustainable farming rather than antibiotic feed for my produce.     



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