Entry #8 The Power of music

    Look back on a time when a song stood out to you, would you say it made you feel sad, happy, excited, or angry? These are examples of how music can make us feel. Music has the power to transport us to another world, to make us feel things we never thought possible, and to connect us with people we've never even met. Whether it's the beat of a drum, the strum of a guitar, or the melody of a piano, music has a way of touching our souls and bringing us together. There is also science behind the music, there is a reason a song can make you feel a certain way. We can see this with slow songs compared to fast songs, the vibrations are different, therefore, there is a different sensation towards different music. Music can be used to heal the soul and physical health. Music therapy is used to improve blood flow in the brain and lower cortisol levels. It is used to boost moods, sleep better, improve motivation, and so on. Music has a way of touching our souls and bringing us together. 

Instrestingly enough music can define a lot about a person. Music is a powerful way of self-expression and how a person identifies themselves as a reflection of their personality. For example, someone who listens to classical music may be seen as sophisticated and refined, while someone who listens to heavy metal may be seen as rebellious and edgy. Sharing music is also a way to get to know a person, and share emotion with others. It helps to feel connected to that person and understand emotions that can't quite be captured solely by words. Lyrics to the song can explain the underlying feeling and have a profound impact. It can inspire us, comfort us, as well as helping us navigate through our difficult emotions. 
    Ultimately, music can help define a person by expressing it in ways we cannot explain. Whether it is shared to enjoy, or listening solo, it helps feel connected to something greater than themselves. So why not take a moment today to put on your favorite song, close your eyes, and let the music take you away? 


  1. Esmeralda Sanchez HernandezDecember 12, 2023 at 7:28 PM

    I agree that music can define a lot about a person. I also agree that music allows you to enter a different world, like you said. I agree with you because when Christmas is around the corner, it makes me feel happy and reminds me of when we had big parties as a family on Christmas. I feel like I'm there in the memory.

  2. Hi Glorianel! I loved your blog. It was interesting to learn about how music can help with blood flow in your brain and lower ones cortisols levels. And I definitely agree with how music can help define a person. For me personally, the type of music I listen to depends on my mood. It can range from indie to R&B to even rock. And sometimes my music changes when it is a cloudy or rainy day.

  3. Hello! I enjoyed reading this blog, its spot on how music speaks more than emotionally. It does say what and how we feel and helps us share that with someone else. Music is a great way to express ourselves and helps us feel better too.

  4. Hello Glorianel, I love your blog and how it turned out. I would definitely agree that music can influence our personalities. I’ve noticed that usually when people dress a certain way, they are more likely to listen to certain genres. Bricely Amador


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